As I am well past the halfway mark of my year in China I have spent a lot of time thinking about my friends and family back home in England. So, I present a collection of my own translations of Chinese poetry from across the ages focusing on the theme of missing home.
Living by Jiande River 宿建德江
Meng Hao Ran 孟浩然 680-740
移舟泊烟渚,Yí zhōu pō yān zhǔ
Mooring the boat on a misty bank,
日暮客愁新。Rìmù kè chóu xīn
In the dusk, the traveller dwells anew on his old home.
野旷天低树,Yě kuàng tiān dī shù
The wilderness is vast, the sky hangs below the trees,
江清月近人。Jiāng qīng yuè jìn rén
The river’s water is so clear, I can touch the moon.
Miscellaneous Poem: You have come from my hometown 杂诗·君自故乡来
Wang Wei 王维 699-759 (other sources say 701-761)
君自故乡来,Jūn zì gùxiāng lái
Since you have come from my old hometown,
应知故乡事。Yīng zhī gùxiāng shì
You should know what is happening there.
来日绮窗前,Lái rì qǐ chuāng qián
On the day you came, passing by my silken window,
寒梅著花未?Hánméizhe huā wèi?
Had the winter plum began to blossom?
9th of the 9th month, thinking of my brothers in the East Mountains 九月九日忆山东兄弟
Wang Wei 王维
独在异乡为异客,Dú zài yìxiāng wèi yì kè
Alone, I am a stranger in a strange land,
每逢佳节倍思亲。 Měi féng jiājié bèi sī qīn
Jia festival comes round again, and I think of my family.
遥知兄弟登高处, Yáo zhī xiōngdì dēnggāo chù
From afar, I know my brothers ascend some high place,
遍插茱萸少一人。Biàn chā zhūyú shǎo yīrén
Casting sticks in prayer, they are missing one person.
Homesick 乡愁
Guangzhong Yu 余光中 (1928-present)
小时候 Xiǎoshíhou
When I was young,
乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 Xiāngchóu shì yī méi xiǎo xiǎo de yóupiào
My longing for home was as small as a stamp,
我在这头 Wǒ zài zhè tóu
I was at one end,
母亲在那头 Mǔqīn zài nà tóu
My mother at the other.
长大后 Zhǎng dà hòu
As I grew,
乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 Xiāngchóu shì yī zhāng zhǎi zhǎi de chuán piào
My longing for home was as thin as a ship’s ticket,
我在这头 Wǒ zài zhè tóu
I was at one end,
新娘在那头 Xīnniáng zài nà tóu
My bride at the other.
后来啊 Hòulái a
Later in life,
乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 Xiāngchóu shì yīfāng ǎi ǎi de fénmù
My longing for home was as shallow as a grave,
我在外头 Wǒ zài wàitou
With me on the outside,
母亲在里头 Mǔqīn zài lǐtou
My mother inside.
而现在 Ér xiànzài
And now,
乡愁是一湾湝的海峡 Xiāngchóu shì yī wān jiē dì hǎixiá
My longing for home is as wide as the Taiwan Straits,
我在这头 Wǒ zài zhè tóu
I am at one end,
大陆在那头 Dàlù zài nà tóu
My motherland at the other.
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